AMP’s wood pellet gains highest quality seal of approval

AMP’s wood pellet has passed an independent world leading quality audit with flying colours.
Inspectors from HETAS, which administer ENplus®, the wood pellet quality trademark, found AMP’s pellet fully met its criteria. The business did not receive a single non-compliance during the re-accreditation, which confirms a company is committed to the highest product quality.
Quality is of key importance to AMP customers who understand that contaminated or out of specification wood pellet can be harmful to the operation of biomass boilers.
AMP has invested around £175,000 on improving pellet quality. This includes the opening of the biggest pellet screening facility in the UK, upgrades to existing screening infrastructure at all its regional depots, new trucks with on-board screeners and independent inspections of all pellet shipments. An automated logistics system has also helped improve pellet quality monitoring, meaning that drivers can immediately feedback quality issues if they come across them on a delivery.
The HETAS inspection praised AMP’s HSQ Manager, Mark Close, for his ‘excellent knowledge and understanding’ of ENplus® requirements, highlighting that all staff who needed ENplus® guidelines training, have received it. The audit noted that all drivers have completed training and that the driver interviewed had a ‘very good understanding’ about biomass fuel delivery and how to minimise pellet damage.
From production to delivery, ENplus® guarantee quality along the entire supply chain. With a projected 11.6 million tonnes of certified pellets produced worldwide in 2018, ENplus® is the world-leading certification scheme for wood pellet quality, produced and traded by nearly 1000 companies from over 45 countries.