Comment on final report published by Ofgem from National Grid into August blackout

“National Grid’s final report into the power cut on 9 August has recommended that, while a lightning strike was the ultimate cause, a review into the amount of emergency power available is needed to avoid blackouts happening in the future – particularly as we head to a net zero future, which will put increased pressure on the resilience of the grid.

“Decentralised, flexible generation will play a critical role in both helping the UK transition towards net zero and to provide emergency power in the event of a major outage. To ensure security of supply, the UK requires sources of reliable and flexible power, able to respond swiftly to fluctuations and – increasingly – address pressure on local networks and constraints in urban areas.

“Smaller-scale distributed energy is making an ever-increasing contribution towards the UK’s energy requirements. As supply becomes more intermittent and demand rises to power commercial use, electric vehicle charging and – in the future – the electrification of heat, these small-scale plants will be critical to keeping the system balanced.

“However, to achieve its full potential, more networks must now focus efforts on anticipating future demand growth and pinpointing hot spots for future constraints. This would help to provide clear market signals for investment in flexible generation, when and where it is needed most.

“With the UK’s eyes now firmly on net zero, flexible solutions that ensure demand peaks are manageable will be vital.”

Mark Tarry, CEO AMP