Grid Flexibility

Meeting the challenge of the energy transition

Flexible electricity generation and energy storage are key in managing the ever-growing intermittent renewable generation, balancing the grid, and ensuring security of supply.

Since 2016, we have been at the forefront of the development of flexible energy systems to support our electricity networks. We develop, fund and run assets that generate and store electricity where and when it’s needed most.

When it’s too windy, our batteries store electricity and our electric boilers ramp up. When it’s not windy enough, our gas engines generate electricity and our batteries discharge.

We believe that smaller projects can do all the things that big ones can – and much more. By generating locally and close to demand, we avoid transmission losses and provide our distribution networks with the capacity to respond to the growing numbers of electric cars and heat pumps.

We do all this whilst reducing the amount of network reinforcement needed, saving consumers money.

Today and in the future, our flexible assets will play a pivotal role in managing the growth of intermittent renewables by balancing the grid, helping avoid grid reinforcement and ensuring security of supply.

“The importance of flexibility increases with electrification in all scenarios – especially when the electricity comes from weather-driven renewables.”

Future Energy Scenarios, The National Grid

225 assets

developed, funded and run by AMP


of flexible generation assets in operation and in build

40 grid flexibility

projects in development and build

Urban Reserve

On-demand energy at times when the sun doesn’t shine, and the wind doesn’t blow.
Our peaking plants are primed to spring into action, generating electricity during extended periods of low renewable output. Our batteries store excess renewable energy and discharge at times of peak demand.

The defining feature of these assets are that they are built in urban areas, where most people live, and are connected at 11kV. Ready to respond quickly, these assets are crucial to the energy transition.

Urban Reserve asset at Heysham Power

Battery Box

We’re also on track to develop the UK’s largest fleet of 4-hour batteries connected to local electricity networks. Each taking up no more than 2 parking spaces, these batteries will provide local electricity networks with local storage on the part of the grid where most of us take our electricity from.

We call them Battery Box.

Our partners

Our commitment to the energy transition is unwavering, and so is our expectations from those we partner with.